View Profile KromeHeart
Its not enough to bash in heads, you have to bash in minds!!!

ivan Gugel-Dawson @KromeHeart

Age 29, Male

Joined on 11/2/07

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710 / 900
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KromeHeart's News

Posted by KromeHeart - March 16th, 2008

god i feel like i want to change my user name does any body know how?

Posted by KromeHeart - January 18th, 2008

i made an awsome flash... or at least I think its awsome...

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/180 108/69212_crazy.php

Posted by KromeHeart - January 17th, 2008

my banner sucks so im taking it down and putting up the new one...>:(

Posted by KromeHeart - January 16th, 2008

ive got a new banner...what do you think?

Posted by KromeHeart - December 19th, 2007

i know its late and all but i read a bout this in school and it pissed me off. so here is an essay i typed in langeage arts.

April 20 1999, Columbine high school, two kids "Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold" shot and killed 12 students and one teacher. Shortly afterwards the two boys committed joint suicide. This horrific event was blatantly blamed on violent video games. One game was especially blamed because of the boy's interest in it. The game was called Doom. I believe the press used Doom as the scapegoat to remove some of the pressure off of the school.
The press completely overlooked several key facts. Eric and Dylan were bullied relentlessly. They were both on the anti depressant, Zoloft which is a very addictive mind-controlling drug. They both had several mental conditions including: severe anger management, depression and paranoia. They had access to drugs, guns and materials to make several bombs. Do you honestly believe that these kids committed mass murder because of having a slight obsession with Doom?
Following this tragedy came many many more school shootings. A recent incident took place at Virginia Tech. A psychopath by the name of Cho brought two semi automatic pistols to his school and killed 31 people. Again, this incident was blamed on the fact that Cho played violent video games.
Doom is a game that takes place on Mars 10,000 years in the future. On Mars a gateway to hell is open. The main character has to kill all the demons spawning out of the portal. Really, doesn't that sound like a game that would influence mass murder of innocent people? Where does the blame really lie? Does the blame lie somewhere else? In the bullies, the school district, the drugs, their sick obsession with the movie Natural Born Killers, the parents, or is it something else?
Now after all I've told you about the columbine shooting,
Virginia tech, doom and Eric and Dylan. I must ask you one question, "is doom or any other violent video game connected to mass murder or school shootings?" the answer. NO! Video games are not related in any way to school shootings or mass murder!

Posted by KromeHeart - December 17th, 2007

i made a goth pic
